Just shared for the first time at a Rehab! Was

Just shared for the first time at a Rehab! Was really nervous but I think I actually helped some guys there! Thank G-d, now I just gotta finish my 4th step​:flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Good job man, the first time or two seem nerve racking but honestly everyone’s kinda in the same boat. Everyone’s there because they’re acknowledging they’ve got a problem hopefully and everyone’s trying to work on themselves. No judgement when it comes to recovery ! You’d be surprised what people can relate and empathize with, and maybe even give you some feedback that will help you too

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I say hopefully not because I hope anyone has a problem obv, just that some go to rehab on a forced basis and don’t take it seriously even if they have a problem because they’re not honest with themselves. That can be harmful to the other group members imo

I was rambling on about the 6th step tonight and I actually talked thru a problem I’ve been hung up on with my daughter. It was kinda cool. Praying for the removal of my defects makes me acutely aware of them and how I manifest them. It also makes me very perceptive when I see them in my children. And it doesn’t feel good. I want them to learn from my sssets,

Not my defects.