Just relapsed after 27 days

Just relapsed after 27 days

Hey Tim! Hope you’re doing well, I’m Kevin feel free to reach out 818-619-5336.

Good evening Tim, I know you've worked hard to make it 27 days, you still have time to try harder next time. Don' stop getting back up, keep praying for strength. God bless!

Tim call me I understand I'm Eric 708.491.0179

27 days are hard just lost 15 still can't get it right but i want too let's do this together

No worries. What are you going to do different this time?

Just lost 35 days :pensive: let’s take what we learned from this round into the next round. The fact that you posted on here shows your investment in yourself. I believe in you!

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Those 35 days aren’t lost, in my opinion. 35 days of sobriety is a wealth of knowledge! Great job getting back on track

Progress over perfection!

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