Just picked up my 90 day chip AGAIN!

Just picked up my 90 day chip AGAIN!
I got it this time! Great sponsor, great support group, great therapists and my kids are proud of their dad!


Awesome Ryan. How are you feeling at day 90?

Awsome man! Like a million bucks! I’ve met so many great people. I’ve never worked this hard in the past but everything they tell u works. Wish I would’ve done it 16 years ago when I went to my first rehab.

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That’s great. I’m on 48 days. Still not 100% it’s still like a rollercoaster. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting to 85% better and then I will go back down to 60% if that makes sense?
I can see that the bad times are getting less and the good parts of my day are getting better.


That’s good! Don’t give up! I had a bad detox and really bad withdrawals for weeks! One day I woke up and they were gone. I feel like my head gets clearer every day. I haven’t had cravings in like a month. I think I told u about my withdrawals before.


Congratulations, they say keep coming back, I say……just stay

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Ya a lot of people say that now. Makes sense! Thanks Rosalind!


I hear it’s easier to stay than it is to get back…..some don’t make it back


Yes you did! I’m glad you are doing well. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Hey Ritchie,

Sobriety is not linear. Everyone has good days and bad. Look at it in chunks of time. Where were you a week ago? A month ago? 2 months ago?

Congratulations on 49!!

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Congratulations Ryan. My kids have forgiven me too, but they will never forget.

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Thanks Craig. That was said perfectly and I completely understand. I’m definitely feeling better over time.

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Congratulations!!! Just think-- ur headed on to ur NEXT 90 days... and by then, it will have been 6 MONTHS!! Keep rockin it!!

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