Just over 2 weeks in and looking for support. It

Just over 2 weeks in and looking for support. It can feel pretty lonely even when I’m out or surrounded by a ton of friends. Want to give this my best shot. Thanks, all!


Eleazar! Welcome :pray: congrats buddy. What’s your DOC?

It is strange how we chose to be lonely when drinking. I did. Now sober, I am challenged with what to do. Hang in there and reach out

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I feel the same way man I moved to a new city and am extremely depressed and lonely

TY! Alcohol

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Sry to hear this, man. I’ve also moved to sort of start over.

Yeah it's been really hard especially making new friends that are sober

Welcome :pray: you thought of going to an AA meeting? Lots of sober people there to meet. Building a support group helped me a lot.

My DOC alcohol, meth, tobacco and caffeine.

Been in Smart Recovery this time around and it’s been really helpful.

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Awesome! Glad you’re trying something different. I to had to try something different.