Just lost my job because I can’t get sober

I JUST slept through my alarm AGAIN! I can’t seem to realize that I can’t juggle both lives. The drugs always take over-I was unemployed for 7 years couch surfing. In April I finally got a good paying job, an apartment, and was ultimately stable! But was still using through it all-I would stay up for days at a time and still manage to go to work but every so often I’d sleep through my alarm or forget to set it all together. Well today I slept through my alarm one too many times and have no more chances! I knew I was playing with fire continuing to use while working but I still think that I can be a functioning addict....”I’ll just get better at setting my alarm next time” I say or something like that—I loved this job and because I can’t get sober who knows how long it will take to find another one. Will I be able to afford my place in the meantime-probably not....why can’t I just do what I know needs to be done??


It’s hard to maintain anything in life, while using. I’ve been there, and know what you’re going through!

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If you can put the time and energy and resources that you currently use for your addiction into sobriety instead, you’ll be unstoppable.

Make today your last ever day 1. Go to detox. Go to NA. Find your people and your program. You can have it all but it takes work!!


It's hard to do alone. For me it was impossible. It's never too late to get help, but it can be hard to ask.

It's not a matter of willpower. You need a support network and if you think you need something like treatment then you very well might. Don't let the stigma of asking for help hold you back. That path is littered with the shattered lives of people who tried to do it alone.


Dang, that is rough. I feel for ya and can definitely say I have been there too!
Find some resources around your area and get to work. NA, AA, whatever two letter group fits you. Being sober is not lame, it is most enlightened gift you can earn yourself and it grows if you are humble and work YOUR program. Best of luck :clap:

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I too thought I could drink and do meth. It worked for about 6 months then my entire world of 16 years went down the gutter! Lost my job, lost my wife, limited time with my son, live with my dad (very grateful). My best friend is on the radar and with our friendship. Lost my house, well I’m kicked out of there. Dealing with divorce and splitting of assets.
But despite all the negative consequences I can say I’m present in my sobriety with 589 days clean and sober. I’m steadily rebuilding my business that I almost lost. I’m handling business as I’m doing God’s work through me. I’m at peace. Must keep eyes on the prize. Prize is living life sober working on a program and helping out in our local communities.
Believe in a higher power to guide you on the path of righteousness.


I've been a half functional user too. I feel like I'm going to lose everything at any moment. You need to start over right now...you can do it! You can win at this!

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