Just keep swimming

My leg hurts. I feel like a dumbass for burning it so badly. And I wanna use because I'm in pain. I can barely even workout and I love exercise.

Sounds like this is a time for a gratitude list and a plan.

I'm grateful for my boyfriend getting me bandages and a stuffed sloth friend lol..he knows I love stuffed animals.

My plan is to hit a meeting tonight and get rest so I can work tomorrow.


Hey Ags, just be grateful that you’re already in a place where you know what to do. Make your plan and enjoy having that power. Or just play Usher’s “Burn” and have a big ass laugh about it :joy: You’re a beautiful, badass chick who runs the show. Don’t forget it. :facepunch:t2::heart:


Also realize my reply didn’t include my emojis, which made it more fun lol

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Lolol thanks I needed this comment. I love usher. And recovery.

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Wow. This is nice. So nice that you have a supportive boyfriend. Thats so important. :pray:t2::heart:

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Haha same here. All kinds of symbols and parallels you can draw from getting “burnt”. You may have accidentally brought today’s lesson to the board :slight_smile: Keep your head up, you rock girl!

Hey friend. Injuries can definitely put a kink in our mood. I'm still recovering from a 34 day old sprain. I've cried and been frustrated. The best thing we can do is take care of ourselves.

I am able

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Yes I'm very lucky

Aw thanks again Jason

Thanks for relating :slight_smile: get well sooooon