Just keep putting one foot in front of the other

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other :heart:


Its funny I was reading about the first miracle Jesus brought about, water from changed water to wine, then we came in and screwed the whole thing up lol :laughing: drank way more than our share ,got loud passed on the front door, told off jokes...

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We abused the privilege. It's freeing when you finally accept that you can't go back to the old way, we have to find acceptance about it. It's complete surrender

I guess what im saying ,the character defects showed up to the party and things got real, and fast, I have a couple of years more sober feb 2010 , the ride has been a kick in the pants,but the alternative would be ugly so I pray every day ,

Exactly, my worst day sober, doesn't compare to what life was like towards the end of my drinking and using. It was hell on Earth. Now, while things aren't perfect, I'm present, a good mother, a good daughter, and a good friend. And I can look myself in the mirror. If you haven't done so already, the steps really can help you with those character defects. I didn't even know what some of them were until I did the work

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I like to listen to speaker tapes on youtube, and I heard a speaker one say, you know what's worse than your first 30 days is sobriety? The last 30 days of your sobriety....
That hit me big. I went into treatment in 2006 and I had a couple of small hiccups up until 2012, and I've been sober ever since. But nothing changes if nothing changes, and I needed to do the work to change the person who I was

Dont trip

I haven’t drank in 14 years but started going to AA again after not going for a long time because I don’t like the way I’m thinking lately. I never went through the steps but I’m thinking of trying it now

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