Just joined this today

Just joined this today. I went to rehab for 35 days back in July of 2019. After rehab, I did not drink for 13 months. Then I started up again for some crazy reason. Trying very hard to stop again. A friend of mine told me about this app. I am reaching out for help and support.

Would you consider going back to rehab?

Anything is on the table now. I am currently trying to find a group I can go to that is not AA.

I’m new to this as well. Why wouldn’t you consider aa?

I have tried it. didnt seem to work. But I think I will try again.

Hi Kevin. Welcome. I'm glad you're getting up. Have you considered SMART Recovery?

I will Take a look at it. Thank you! Right now I have a buddy I am leaning on. I just want to be sober again. No clue why I started drinking again. I am also in touch with a couple people from rehab.

Very happy about this app! This can only help.

Hi Kevin. I attend Refuge Recovery meetings as AA wasn‘t for me. Worth looking in to! Plenty of online options throughout the day. Based in Buddhism.

Self will don’t work but as did for me

Thank you Audrey! I will research that. Much appreciated!

You’re right Rick. Self will does not work.