Just joined this site a few days ago

Just joined this site a few days ago as I recently made the decision to be sober. I’m young and the party scene is a lot for me to handle at times so I’m trying a new approach- hoping to connect with people and find alternative ways to have fun without alcohol!


Welcome!! I use to live in Tampa and know some incredible women in recovery up there!

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Thank you! And that’s awesome to hear! I’m actually just on vacation here and the app set my location as that, I’m actually in Philly but hope to move to Florida soon.

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I felt the same for a long time. But came to understand that very few of the people you party with

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Way to make her comfortable dude :+1:

Welcome :pray:

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Thank you!

Hi Bailey !!! :heartpulse:

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That's awesome Bailey that's the best decision youll ever make. Trust me when I say you're not missing out on anything but heartache, unfulfillment and chaos. The party scene is only fun for a little while. Welcome to the community.

Hi Ilona! :heart: thanks for the welcome!

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Slowly starting to learn that, even though it will be challenging I know this community will support me through it. Thank you for the welcome David! :sun_with_face:

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Hi, Bailey. This is one of the best decisions you can make for your health and overall life.

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Looking forward to it! :butterfly:

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I so wish I’d have had your wisdom and forethought. I first admitted to myself my alcohol problems in 1995. I got sober in 2020. I regret not being courageous enough to call it quits when I was younger.

I’ve had enough struggles along the way to realize early that it’s a problem I don’t want to keep around...but if i didn’t hear stories and words of encouragement from everyone here then I may have not committed to this decision. Thank you for sharing I hope you are doing well :sun_with_face: