Just got through at home cold turkey off meth, alcohol,

Just got through at home cold turkey off meth, alcohol, and pot. Day 4 and I feel like I may live. My heart hurt, I am sad, and I feel like I have lost my old friends. They're just not going to work. What now?

Sounds like you had a rough 4 days. As you said you probably lost old friends. Find an AA or NA meeting. Get some new hobbies. You can do this bro.


It's day 5 in 9 minutes. I am bombarded with not- well wishers seeking to keep me around. I Can't leave because of housing restrictions (disability income). But I spent the day largely distancing from people, and connecting with the new. Tuesday I'm going to California with sober relatives so, when I return I'll have 3 weeks. I have this 12- step toolkit app for morning and night, and here as well. coming home makes me emotional, but it doesn't last. Exercising, too, just slower. Better is better. Thanks for your prompt reply. It helps.

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