Just got out of detox today…

just got out of detox today…


Good shit! You got this!

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thanks! it’s been a very upsetting day :frowning: a lot of emotions

I hear ya and I’m sorry. I detoxed a month ago and the emotions will start flooding in. All you can do is take them as they come but try not to sit with them for to long. Just remember the pain you were in if you’re thinking of going back out. The darkest of nights create the brightest stars. You’re doing the right thing by talking

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i really appreciate it, yeah emotions for sure. i just can’t believe i did it to myself again :frowning: i lost everything this time

No doubt. Me too. I lost my house, gf and almost my cat lol but I got his ass back. If sobriety and recovery doesn’t come first then everything we know and love in life will come last. You didn’t lose your life :heart:. Everything will line up again once we’re on track


Take it an hour at a time this time

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definitely hour by hour lol thank you so much

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Hi!! Congrats! Keep going, day by day!!

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Message me if u need support!

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thank you so much girl, means a lot! i def need all the support i can get right now. today’s been a really rough day

Congratulations. you made it thru that now just take it easy on yourself. Take things min by min. It took a long time to get to where your at so take some time to get to where you want to be.:muscle:

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thank you so much!! that’s the problem - i’m too hard on myself lol

Easy does it. Believe in yourself. It was hard to go to detox (been there) but you did it

& it was hell lol

I feel you. It was 3+ years ago but it seems like it was yesterday some days

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Not everything. It may seem that way but all is far from lost!!

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Congrats :tada:. Just one moment at a time.

That's motivational. I like the statement. It's true.

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The only way to get from point A to point B, no matter what path you take, is one step at a time. You can do it.