Just got a D.u.i, want to find guidance so I

Just got a D.u.i, want to find guidance so I don't return to jail.

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Hey Tenacity, I'm sorry to hear about your DUI. What type of help are you looking for? 12-step or non-12-step?

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Anything that will put me into the right direction. I still need to be able to work though

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I ended up in prison for my D.U.I s and u know what¿? That was probably the best thing to happen. I'll never forget that day .the judge was like . The judge was like Mr. Reed I find u to be a menis to society and urself. And she was rite

I understand. Well, here are a few recommendations...

Support Group Meetings:

SMART Recovery - https://www.smartrecovery.org

Refuge Recovery - https://refugerecovery.org

LifeRing - https://lifering.org

In the Rooms - https://www.intherooms.com

Alcoholics Anonymous - https://aa.org

Narcotics Anonymous - https://www.na.org

Celebrate Recovery - https://www.celebraterecovery.com

Online Therapy:

BetterHelp - https://www.betterhelp.com

Talkspace - https://www.talkspace.com

Online-Therapy - https://www.online-therapy.com

Rehab & Other Mental Health Treatment Facilities:

SAMHSA's Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator - https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov

Also, I have some free stuff on https://www.unaddictable.org/free that might be helpful for you.

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