Just curious... Has your awareness of being an addict (

Just curious... Has your awareness of being an addict (assuming you’re identifying as such) influenced your thoughts about having children?

Every mistake I have ever made makes me second guess if I should have kids. Just have to remind myself if I didn't have regret then I should be worried.

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Never planned on having kids because of my history with addiction... whelp got knocked up at 23 by my now husband .. and have a second. I’ve continued drinking ever since after my first was born ... have had a lot of regrets being drunk around them and seeing me and their dad argue.. or me having complete breakdowns. I don’t regret having my kids, but I regret my behaviors and what that may have caused them, I’m hoping to nip it in the bud after a last incident about a week ago, before I really do damage. (I come from an alcoholic home myself so I want to break the cycle. I’ve seen non addict parents have kids that turn out addicts.. and kids with addicted parent(s) never touch a substance. You just never know.

I would never role the dice and create a life knowing it could cause suffering. Not even just passing along my genes. I refuse to impose life on a being. I would never want that weighing on my conscience. I’m still blown away by how many people still desire to have kids knowing about climate catastrophe, economic deterioration, etc. etc. It’s pure misery that people seem to not think twice about. Strange that those who choose not to have children get the selfish label.

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Great question Tommy!!

When I was in active addiction, I played a part in several "unwanted pregnancies." Looking back on it, I behaved terribly. I probably wouldn't have been a good father, as I was spiraling into harder and harder drugs. I regret the damage that I caused. For several years I wouldn't even entertain having a child with someone or even being a father to someone else's child. Today, I feel completely different.

Yeah I'm planning to try and have kids in bout two yrs and I get freaked out that they'll be addicts. But my bf is not an addict. He stable. I'm stable. So I'm having kids. I know I'm capable. Thanks for this topic.

It actually turned my perspective around. I was married and selfishly afraid to have kids because of my drinking and the responsibility. I've loved kids all my life and now know I wouldn't be endangering them now that I am sober if I decide to have kids.

I never really wanted kids. And I do think part of the reason for that is bc I didn’t want to pass down the genetic shit show I was given to someone else lol which includes the possibility of being especially vulnerable to addiction

It isnt me being an addict that makes me not want to spawn any poop factories. It's that this planet is lost its mind. I mean have you seen the news. That and the fact I'm not sure I wouldn't strangle them if they come out like their old man.

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"spawn poop factories" bwahaha that is hilarious bro.