Just blew 6 months of sobriety!, shaking feel like crap

Just blew 6 months of sobriety!, shaking feel like crap


Don't let this bump in the road stop you. Learn from it and start again

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A slip is not the end of the road. It is a lesson in what doesn't work. Pick up and start anew. You can do it.


Be proud of your six months of sobriety. If you made only one mistake in six months at work you’d be the best employee ever! Why beat yourself up for one mistake in 6 months in your personal life? Start a new streak. It doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you human.


I agree with what everyone said. It's a bump. It's a slip up. It happens. Pick urself up again & start over. You're only human. Don't expect recovery to be perfect.

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Dust off your feet and try again. This is not the end.

No you didnt! You have all that's time behind you! Be proud and like someone commented : we are human. Dont let one day ruin everything. You are on a roll. Just keep going on like it didn't happen. Dont harp on it