Just another day

I got off my post rehab bliss after four days…and thank god i had A.A. to go to. I have PTSD, and having my therapist cancel on me and the groups I have to go to being triggering instead of helpful was not helping! I’m finally feeling normalish again and not craving a drink. Having a hard time finding sober friends…but that’ll come with time. I’m thankful for another day.


Melissa glad you went to AA. AA has helped me so much. I take it 1 day at the time now. Stay strong and follow the steps.

Hey Melissa glad you’re here. aa Is great to make friends and build community. Thanks for sharing your experience :purple_heart: & also glad you’ve found Loosid

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Hey yeah totally understandable youre not always going to be in a place of perfect recovery. Look at how many years you were drinking and using- in treatment its easy because there are no temptations. Def work the program it helps but know that you wont always be perfect in your mind. Keep sharing on here we Will support you as well as your sober community

Hi, @melissa85633. I, too, am glad you found AA. In the beginning stages it's difficult to handle changes. We have to deal with with withdrawals. Those alone are frightening. Then, we have to deal with lack of sleep, appetite changes, etc.

Your feelings are normal. You are managing your feelings and cravings quite well.

Keep the optimistic attitude. You'll go far.

Glad the craving passed and you were able to abstain, sounds like a success to me :thinking: great job!!

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Looks like you have some female support this app helps maybe confide in someone in the actually a.a. program and confide in someone that something you like