Just a quick story from an alcoholic

My job takes me to hotels about 5 nights a week. I deliver cars with an 18 wheel transport. So, I check into this hotel in Janesville Wisconsin where they recently created a happy hour for guests. The lady at the front desk mentions it to me and I look over across the breakfast lounge and see a mobile bar setup with bottles of wine and liquor.

Laughing inside of me I'm thinking to myself, OK I'll take that bottle and............
that bottle. LOL

No thank you!
Not today!

Went to the barber shop the other day and was talking to a customer and we got on the subject of drinking. He said that his drink of choice was a martini and I told him that was my drink of choice too. He stated that he drinks one martini a day and that it takes him about an hour to sip and finish one martini. And I'm like are you kidding me?

I probably averaged three or four martinis in the course of an hour.
How in the heck do you take one hour to drink a martini? LOL

I'm glad I'm not part of that circus anymore. When you drink the way I did it's nothing short of being locked inside a prison.

Hour after hour, day by day.
Then the perils of alcoholism show their ugly faces; blackouts, elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, sweats, delirium tremors, etc.

What a nightmare!

I sure am glad to be sober!

Glad you are here. It's not easy in our culture. Ugh

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It is so hard to navigate a world and avoid alcohol. I was looking at a few new restaurants in my area, turns out they were bars. You can't even go out to a nice restaurant without a wine list left on the table.

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I know what you're saying. The good news is that once the obsession is gone, we now have a choice. Great to be free

You ain't just whistling Dixie doc.

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