Job searching after/during recovery question

When looking for a new job, when, if ever, is the right time to mention your history with addiction? I honestly feel like it could be looked at as an extremely admirable character trait that employers would desire. But... I can also see how it could open an extremely large curiosity door if mentioned too soon and employers can paint their own picture of what that would potentially involve and ultimately hurt the candidates chances of getting or keeping the job. Thanks in advance and I hope everybody is doing great today!

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If there is something that they are going to find on the criminal background check, then I would say ya be upfront. You're being honest, and that looks good. And a midemeanor such as DUI is not necessarily a deal breaker for most jobs. My career was in trucking, so that kinda hurts me though, lol… But otherwise I don't see why they would need to know. That's your business. In alcoholics anonymous, the word anonymous means just that.


I guess I feel that it’s an amazing accomplishment to overcome an addiction. And Now that I have gone through (and still am going through) this, I respect others that have gone down similar paths much more when I am made aware of it. But as I said, I can see how easy it could be for someone to paint a picture without knowing details. Even if it’s a functioning alcoholic without a criminal history, dui’s or a super colorful past. Regardless, you guys have answered my question. Thanks!

I agree that it is an amazing accomplishment but I wouldn't advise sharing it. That shouldn't be a factor but it can hinder you from consideration.

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It's crazy, Melissa. I was once passed over for a marketing job because I am an extrovert. No joke. :rofl::rofl::rofl: The person they chose over me didn't last long.

The reasons people aren't "qualified" are cray-cray.

I just say that I don’t drink.