I've taken the first step and have admitted I have

I've taken the first step and have admitted I have a problem. Now what? I can't seem to get past that.

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I'm jobless and broke. And until I get sober I wont have the confidence to get that job and back on my own feet again.

its not an overnight process brother! Just take it day by day

I found it helpful to ask your self the question, I have a problem you know that. so here is where the question comes in. What is my problem , and why is it a problem?

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AA worked for me.

My sobriety date is 7/6/2014

Your first step should be calling them and/or find an AA meeting in your area. Call that number. They will point you to a meeting.

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Thanks Dave

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If you're going to work the steps, which I highly recommend, you'll need a sponsor, frankly it's just really good to have a reliable sponsor anyway. 90 meetings in 90 days is never a bad idea. You might end up needing treatment, God knows I did, and there's no shame there.

Let me know if you want me to elaborate

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Don't think on it too long Brandon. Us alcoholics and addicts are experts at talking ourselves out of getting help.

Remember that it's 10 miles into the woods and 10 miles back out. The change is well worth it.

Nice job, Brandon. Everyone’s recovery looks different, but most people start off in a 12-step program and/or treatment. It’s a wonderful foundation for your sobriety and has a way of constantly helping you answer the question, “now what?” which, admittedly, has come up a lot for me during my recovery. How do you feel about trying NA or AA?

There are certain things in my life that made me feel I wouldn't have confidence unless X happens. Truth be told that wasn't a good mindset for me. I pressed through it and it was hard.

If I waited for certain things to happen I wouldn't be where I am. Sure, I am not exactly where I want to be or where I thought I would be. But that's life. We should always want more out of life no matter what obstacles come out way. We set up ourselves for failure when we state we won't be happy or confident until something else happens.

You made the hardest step. You should be proud of that. Now, it's time to work on it. It won't happen overnight. Keep going after sobriety. You'll be sober before you know it.

Check into meetings. Find an accountability partner. Get a sponsor. Be proud of you for each day. Take it 1 day at a time or 1 moment at a time.

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Do the steps. Read the AA book. Apply daily. Focus on whats important like family and true freinds. Daily self inventory. Spend your time doing things conducive to recovery. Its simple really, but not easy. The pain of staying the same has to overpower the oain of change.

Everyone is different. For me, I found it about changing your thoughts, recognizing them & changing how you deal with them is the main core work. Even if you can't yet,eventually it's one of the main things. For now you can do like a Pro vs Con type thing for how it affects your life….

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