I've lost everything: livelihood is gone

I've lost everything: livelihood is gone, tired of being stuck. Idk where to go from here. I can turn it around, it'll take a lot of time & effort. I screwed up big time and I don't dee the way back. Xanax is the reason.

Hey Keith, you haven't lost everything. You still have your mind and body, and that's all you need to change your beliefs and habits to turn your life around. Sure, it might take some time and effort, but it will be worth it. Right? Perspective is powerful, my friend. A lot of people in worse situations than you have overcome their addictions and improved their lives. Trust me, if they can do it, you can do it. Just get started and don't give up. Like Winston Churchill said, “If you're going through hell, keep going.”

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i’m sorry you’re struggling right now, Keith. I’m glad you had the thought to reach out. Keep doing the next right thing and things will turn around little by little.

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As others have said. You're still here. You are reaching out. There are so many success stories of people turning their lives around and being successful. It takes time and one day at a time.

Hey, Keith. How are things today? Are things improving? I'm here if you need to talk. I believe in you.