I've had a problem for years, but I can't stop

I've had a problem for years, but I can't stop. I've lost jobs, friends, family and relationships because I can't stop being drunk all the time. It's the only thing that helps numb my pain. I made it 6 days this year sober and thought I could control myself with one or two, but that quickly turned into 10+. I'm functional and can blow a 1.7 at 2pm and look totally normal. I don't want to live like this because I'm losing so much even though drunk me thinks things are going just fine. I need direction and help before I ruin my life more than I already have.

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How do you feel about rehab? 90 day or longer.

Hi Nathan, for myself, I had to come up with a plan. I tried winging it, but it was way too hard. I'm only 6 days sober, so I'm definitely not a expert, but I get up everyday and write down how I feel, what I'm grateful for, and goals for the day. Exercising every day helps tremendously with the anxiety I struggle with. I set small goals I know I can achieve. Makes me feel accomplished! I'm here if you need someone

Hey Nathan. I can relate to a lot of what you said, especially about trying to moderate the amount that I drank, only to take it too far every time. While abstinence isn’t for everyone, for some of us it really is the best bet. At least for a sustainable period of time that is long enough for you to see the true benefits of it. Someone else suggested 90-day treatment. I think that could be a really great idea and something worth looking into. There’s a treatment resource page on the Loosid website you could check out. If not, Google is your friend! I also realize the idea of treatment can be really intimidating, but if you’d still like to explore a temporary time-based goal, perhaps you can try doing Dry January? It’s still early enough in the month to give it a go and there’s a ton of communities and resources that can help with accountability.