Ive been trying to find meeting and stuff for AA

I feel really stupid. Theres info on this app for help but I thought there was a hotline number for when you feel you want to use but Idk if Im looking right. Or if I made it up. Ive been trying to find meeting and stuff for AA or other places and I cant find anything? I tried calling a place and the woman was really confused. I think I really need help I started thinking of drinking right now and Im slipping into not caring and getting desperate. I feel so dumb. Does anyone have sources for online meetings or hotlines?

Hey girl. It sounds like you want to stop. Be strong, pray pray pray. You CAN do this. Look up aasemi.org for meetings.

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Did you pick up? I fear you're in pre-relapse. You are exactly right that you need to talk this out pronto. Do you have a sponsor? If not, this is exactly one of the great things about having one. I feel weird giving my number out because it's really best if you talk to another woman but please DM me if you can't find anyone else to talk to. And you're not dumb! Your disease is insidious and it will do anything to get you to pick up if you let it run wild. That's why working a program is so important.

Just don't pick up no matter what. Do some box breathing. Meditate if you can. Get some exercise. Anything to get out of your own head until your craving passes. And far from being dumb, telling on yourself and asking for help is the smartest thing you could do.

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There's women for sobriety online. They have chat and zoom meetings. Are you in Laramie, Wyoming?

Oh wow that's great Val, I didn't see them on my intergroup link

Don't ever feel stupid you have came to the right place for help and you have made the right choice to quit.we are all here for you if you need to talk ..anytime,it helps me to try and help someone else..:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley: