I've been clean from pills for 5 years

I've been clean from pills for 5 years and IV use for longer, but this winter I am struggling hard. I was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and started ADHD medication because I've been struggling with school because of quarantine. It helped a lot at first but it also made the fact that I dissociated my addictions instead of actually healing from them apparent. I've realized that by isolating myself from other addicts for so long I've now effectively isolated myself from other people in long term recovery. At this point I need friends with similar experiences that can help me reconcile my past life with my current life as a partner and mom.

I struggled with pill addiction myself … found a therapist that specialized in drug and alcohol abuse and it definitely helped. I did keep drinking though because I thought that would be something I could manage and it slowly got out of control. The more days I gain sober the more I've thought again about the pills which I haven't thought much about in years so I think my drinking just silenced that for that time. What helps me is talking openly and honestly about it. Others find it helpful to check out meetings and support groups. Ive been thinking about going back to therapy and again for a little tune up :slight_smile:

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There's alot of great people on this app to talk to. Definitely message me if you wanna chat sometime.

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