I've been battering my addiction for 30 years. I've had

I've been battering my addiction for 30 years. I've had periods of time that I stopped and was enjoying life, then lost a woman that I truly first love. And ever since relapsed to deal with the pain, even admitted to her for her help but drove her away which is understandable. But I since been lonely and slowly destroying my life. But no longer want to continue down this same road. I'm now have two days sober and going through a terrible mood swing of depression, no modivation and just sad, because I continue doing this to myself. Everytime I reach a good place, I con myself and use and then lose that I gain back. Please God give me strength..


God is watching over you and will help you to manage/deal with your addiction. Just take it 1 day or even 1 hour at a time. I recommend watching as many sobriety videos online and/or going to AA/NA meetings.


You’ve got this Carlos. Your faith will help carry you through, as well as changes in behaviors and habits and staying connected with a sober network!

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Thanking you..

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You got this man
Losing someone is hard but losing ourselves is even harder
Stay strong and remember reach out as soon as you get the stinking thinking

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You can do it Carlos! We’re here for you! I know it’s difficult but remember , it is only temporary so that in the near future once you make through this you are going to look back and say Wow I did it and it was worth it because now I can appreciate my life and even possibly get the woman back or even find someone better for you , all kinds of possibilities, just literally control what you can right now, Day by day and you will get there! My sponsor used to ask me “Do you know how to eat an Elephant?” I said no . He said “One bite at a time” lol He said every day I remained sober and got back to myself was another bite and as big as it may seem now, it is possible and you will get there! I was in a terrible situation and had nothing left , literally nothing but he was right and I am on my second Elephant and my second chance at life! We’re rooting for you and will be here if/when you are struggling! You are Not Alone

I know how you feel Carlos, it sounds exactly like my story! I just lost a great guy over alcohol addiction. I’m ready to be sober and be happy for good! You can do it! Stay strong for yourself and good things will follow.

Grateful to have found this app.
Yea I feel completely lost. Friends and family can only tolerate constant drinking for so long. I must help myself to get back on track. I no longer want to be the drunk anymore. The bad voice in my head tells me I’m just better with a drink in my hand, I keep giving up trying.
Keep telling myself ... I’ll get better but never really make an attempt.
At least I have not gone to get a drink right now... I have a bottle of water. Ok small start, but a start.

Ditto Jodi... think I’ve lost another good guy too over booze.. but I appreciate how you responded! I’m ready to be sober and happy...:pray:t2:

I have lost loves also. Then battled more depression wondering why they didn’t see I needed help and support me. But, the truth us, we have to help ourselves first. You can do this, Think about what you have lost, so you can avoid losing kore.

Hi Carlos. Congratulations on taking it 1 day at a time. Now, you have more than 48 hours sober. :tada:

If you're battling depression and terrible mood swings please consult with a professional.

I believe in you.