It's Time to Celebrate 🎉

How do you celebrate your sober milestones? Are there milestones you don't celebrate?

For myself, milestones are so important, mostly for me because we have to give it away to keep it but along the way I may purchase a piece of AA jewelry as a reminder, but from my first year of sobriety I’ve alway said that because I got sober when I was 29 years old that when I became 29 years clean from all mind altering substances I would have a grand celebration and I did, it was so awesome to celebrate with me long time old timers friends got to meet my newly sober friends. I loved every minute.

I had a friend casually say that picking up milestone chips at meetings aren't for US... They're so the newcomer sees that the program works & that sobriety IS possible. That was really powerful for me, so I picked up every chip for every milestone. Besides, let's face it- each and every 24 hours is A LOT to acknowledge and celebrate :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: