It's rough when your the only ADDICT in the family

It's rough when your the only ADDICT in the family they think I'm supposed to be healed & over with it I cried for over 2 hrs,

They'll never be able to fully understand, it's impossible.

Do you wanna talk more about what's going on?

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Ugh, I get this. Some of my family members don’t quite “get it” either, try and remind yourself that they don’t NEED to get it … you do. It’s your healing and your process.


Hey Marcy, I know how you feel. It hurts when your family doesn't understand what you're going through. Here's the thing though: We know what we know and we know what we don't know, but we don't know what we don't know. So they might think they know what's best for you and what your timeline for healing should be, but their opinions are based solely on the information they've acquired about addiction and recovery. It's okay that they don't understand. Don't let their lack of understanding get you down. The secret is knowing that nothing means anything other than the meaning you give it. Keep your head up, and keep making progress. :wink:

I get that. Sometimes theyre kind of rude about it too. The people i told dont see it as a big deal. And they still offer things to me. It makes me really mad and offended. I cant say i know exactly wha tyou mean but i can get a certain level to that. It does hurt

Just remember you're the only person you can change and lord don't be like like, I'll start off well, making changes for myself and then someone treats me like I previously taught them to. They act like I can't be trusted around certain people. It offends me because I'm doing right they should ---- nothing they should not be held to a standard other than one you've expressed in your boundaries and even then, if they don't respect your boundary the action taken is yours, not you making them take some kind of action. Expectations are premeditated resentments.

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Big book says we don’t get the same treatment as a cancer pacient in this stage of my development my life is in a much better place

You’re young still and may have a head start but statistically you won’t remain the only one.

When they don't know anything about addiction all they can do is judge and question. Why can't u get clean why is it so hard, why can't you just stop. All questions they ask. If it was as easy as it was to start we would.. We as addicts never though that very first time could control the rest of our lives. But it did and now the control is so strong it makes every day decisions for us. Some we don't remember. All I can say is take it one day at a time and don't what they all say bother you or make you give up. The addiction is strong. But your will can be stronger. Best of luck and God bless

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