It's hockey season baby! Anyone else excited?

It's hockey season baby! Anyone else excited?

This is my first hockey season in a while being dead clean sober. I'm really excited for it, but I associate hockey pretty closely with alcohol and drug abuse. Anyone else feel the same way about sports, or anything else for that matter? It's great that something I love is happening but I'm trying to be mindful of the historical link in my life between things I love and the fact that I was drinking or using for a lot of them. I'm sure some of you can relate.

And obviously, Go Caps!

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Definitely can relate to this. 800+ days later and there are lots of things I mentally turn down because of the association. Playing guitar and songwriting are a big one. Concerts, calling friends…yeah it’s been a pretty lonely, quiet ride. I live in LA but I’m from the DC area, so it’s GO CAPS on my end too bro. Enjoy the season debut :100: