It's hard to stay clean help

It's hard to stay clean help

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It's definitely not easy. Keep going though, don't give up. You will start feeling better over time & the urges will become less strong. Steer clear of temptation when/if possible in your situation.

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U have to want it not need it do the work benefit will come

Erik, I'm so proud of you. Sending you all the love and good vibes I can possibly send. I can promise you one thing, it never gets easy but it does get easier :heart:

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It is hard, but we can do hard things. I have faith in you and believe you can do it - I’ve seen so many people recover and get through hard times. Including myself. Be easy and gentle with yourself, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Take it one day at a time. Try to do one thing for your recovery every day.


Hi, Erik. Take it 1 moment at a time. Focus on being sober this second. Don't stress yourself with tomorrow because tomorrow will come.

Have you considered meetings?

i highly recommend books such as “rewired” and books on changing the way you think. I was an iv drug addict on heroin and meth for 10+ years. I am now n recovery and have no urge at all to go back to that way of life. If you would like to hear how I am doing it and how u too can start too, please feel free to inbox me. Thank you and you as well as all the others out there still suffering are in my prayers.

Hi, Erik. It's definitely not easy. It is probably one of the most difficult things we do.

To stay clean it's highly recommended you avoid people, places, and things that are a trigger. Are you avoiding these things? What are you doing to become and stay sober?

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So true cause I definite feel like every time I say im gonna stay clean just for today somebody always pop up with it and there I go again with getting high sober thinking out the window

Staying clean is hard am so scared I can't do it I make it a week at a time then I use again I hate it and all my friends use which makes it even harder and then there's the nothing to do anymore I dont know how to deal

Your brain is mawel adjusted stick with the program and it will taper off

Stay strong brother going through the hard part is what builds our character so in the future hard stuff is easy. The only way out is through.

How can I help, Erik? I know it’s hard but it’s worth it.