Its day 1 of my new life

Its day 1 of my new life


I'm happy for you.

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Woohoo Jim! Welcome :pray:!

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Welcome and hugs

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Great choice.. find a community of like minded people and check in daily.. I am on day 13 and what I have learned in this short period of sobriety is that we can’t do this alone.. we can do this


Welcome to the journey. It isn’t gonna be easy, but it is doable. Just remember on the days that it is tough, reach out. We are stronger together than on our own.

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Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement. It's been a tough day, shaking, and foggy headed. Normally I'd have a drink to 'get right but I'm getting through. I'm at laundromat, the bar I go to is across the street, but I went to store and got a root beer. I also found 8 dollars wadded up in pocket from when I was out drinking. I bought a lottery ticket. I'm going to go home and put clothes away and keep busy around the house

How's your 2nd day going Maddy?

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