It's amazing the difference a day makes. Today was so

It's amazing the difference a day makes. Today was so much better. I am so grateful I didn't use yesterday, despite feeling like my hair was on fire! That's how it works for me; I just don't use no matter what.


You’re such a Rock Star!!!! Some of the “Urges pass” teachings from SMART Recovery have been so helpful for me dealing with mystery hard days (why do I feel so different today?)

I don’t get why emotions go all over the place but I SURE AM GLAD EVERY DAY/HOUR isn’t hard.

Thank you sharing here…it’s encouraging to me.

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It’s amazing what a night of rest does…the urges pass and your outlook can totally change. No matter how bad a day gets, there’s always tomorrow and a chance to live it a day at a time.

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I love the idea of doing today what I will be proud/grateful for tomorrow.

These moments are so hard!


That is a beautiful way to look at a struggle.