It seems like I have this pattern going on. I’m

It seems like I have this pattern going on. I’m sober for 3-4 months and then I slip. Has anyone else experienced this?

Ya man I’m right there with you except you last longer. I usually get 2-3 months sober get overconfident and think I can drink again socially then spiral out all the progress I’ve made. For me life seems to get too boring and I lie to myself that this time I’ll keep it under control. Is that how you think or feel?

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That’s exactly how I feel. Glad to know I’m not the only one. On the bright side I’m glad I don’t drink or do cocaine every single day like I used to. However I want to quit for good. My body would appreciate it and also my bank account lol.

Yes. This is actually very common. The dopamine levels in your brain start to moderate. You're nowhere near healed but you do start to feel better. So your body is basically telling you "look, this wasn't so bad, you're feeling better, a beer couldn't hurt and you'll do it better this time....". Then the societals hit. Friends start high fiving you for beating alcohol. Maybe some of the negative motivations that kept you on the straight and narrow start to wane. Maybe your girlfriend takes you back. It all seems like it's ok and wouldn't one little drink make it perfect? Then you wake up a day, a week, or a month later and you're right back to where you were. It sucks bro. It's almost the perfect trap.

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For sure brother I hear that. Your bank will thank you and so will your organs. I try to set smaller goals now instead of saying I’m never drinking or doing drugs again for the rest of my life. Like it is one day at a time it’s too hard to predict the future just reflect on positive things that happen around you when your not using.

Yea you are spot on. It’s crazy that during my slips I’m willing to sacrifice 2-3 days of depression for an hour of “fun.” Cocaine + alcohol is such a crappy come down. Then you feel better and your body says you are alright. Let’s do it again! Then at 6 in the morning you are kicking yourself in the butt because how stupid you were the night before. I don’t want to end my life but sometimes I wish I never woke up. I just want to get past that 3-4 month barrier and stop the crap all together. Obviously it’s easier said than done but I NEED to stop for good. I don’t even want to slip once a year. I just want to be done with this stuff. Im going to try to go to more meetings now that they are opening up in person. I’m hoping that will help.

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Yea the one day at a time works. Idk why I stray from that line of thinking. I guess I’m just jealous of people that can have a couple beers and go to sleep. With me it always starts with drinking and the. I move to the Bolivian marching powder. It’s like I’m on autopilot. I feel like I’m missing out at the bars or drinking events sometimes. You are right though. Everything seems to go sour when I slip. When I’m doing good everything seems to be positive. I have no idea why I screw up when things are going well. I think boredom has a play in it. Also when I have relationship problems or anything that doesn’t go my way, I cope with doing alcohol/coke. It’s like my brains go to when things aren’t going well. I just want to make it 6 months because that would be an achievement. But you I should just take it one day at a time instead of putting pressure on myself.

I’m 100 percent right there with you. I mean it’s getting into summer I live in Nashville now in between two colleges and it’s so difficult even going to the grocery store seeing all these girls buying tons of beer and booze looking happy for a fun weekend while I’m getting milk and eggs bro it depresses me for sure but I try to tell myself where has that road gotten me in life? Ya I wanna do a bunch of lines and chug beer poolside but where are those girls/party people the next couple days when the parties over and I’m still drinking daily on another bender. 6 months is my goal too would be an amazing accomplishment and I’m pulling for you all the way! My numbers 630 401 2615 if you ever wanna shoot me a text or something I know I need all the help I can get

I used to say I just wanted a month. Then two. Now I say "Sober today but I'll be shitfaced in hospice!"

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You seem like you are very similar to me. Yea bro when you have a bunch of good lookin girls partying, it’s so damn hard to say no. But you are right. They aren’t having fun the day after though and they are pretty good at hiding it. There’s a lot of people I partied with that definitely had a problem but they just cover it up and don’t admit it. Atleast me and you own our problems. Definitely man. My number is 5189490728. Text me anytime

Exactly man I’ll be in touch for sure I’m only on day 5 after a heavy relapse so it’s guna be a long road but looking to talk with people who can relate and are going through it with me. I’ll hit you up for sure!

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If im in hospice then anything goes lol. But you are right. A day at a time is the best way to approach the situation.