It saddens me when i see other addicts/alcoholics condemn another

It saddens me when i see other addicts/alcoholics condemn another fellow who reaches out to the hand of AA and then their feelings are discredited. lets remember none of us came to AA on wings of glory, we all only have 24 hours of reprieve so the one who wakes the earliest, has the most sobriety! This platform was initiated so we can share Our experience strength and hope with each other not to beat each other up and tear each other down


Well said!


I echo Ron’s sentiment!
“Well said!
God Bless :pray::heart:

I am sad to hear that you have seen or experienced that. A.A. , support groups and forums/apps like this are for exactly what you said, "reaching out".

From someone who has 20 years to 20 minutes, I have learned that everyone needs to remember newcomers are the most important damn ones in the room. Why? Because making it there and knowing or trying to figure out if you want a better way of life is that damn important.

Wel said

When I started going to AA years ago, a certain old timer used to roll hid eyes when we new comers spoke. It was disheartening to me and I rarely spoke when he was there. His looks meant I had zero chance of sobriety. Well 26 years later, I'm still sober. And I always make sure that any newcomers feel welcome and validated

Thank you for sharing/saying this!

your a warrior!