It’s weird being back home with my family.. like my

It’s weird being back home with my family.. like my husband with his little digs he says he’s not doing but he is.. and my 16 year old niece but she’s like my daughter.. long story my husband’s sister evella which was my best friend passed away from drinking at 33 and my nieces dad had passed a few months b4 her mom from a hit and run drunk driver so me and my husband adopted her.. and I have my son I love them all so much that’s why I wanna get away for a minute a for them to get used to me being home.

Hang in there!! One day at a time.

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It's really hard to stay strong when you have to heed those comments that are less than encouraging!! Hang in there, you're doing what you need for you above all else!!

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Stay strong Kaitlin.. Were here for you..

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Families are hard. I know that my drinking has hurt my husband and he does "the little digs" also and it hurts but I try to take a deep breath and think about the healthy response should be. I usually end up snapping at him but I am trying and that's the best I can do. Please hang in there and remember you're not alone

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