It’s rainy and crappy out! When I have to sit

It’s rainy and crappy out! I’m trying to get this sobriety to stick! I think about it everyday, but of course as most of you know we all slip. I’m not an out of control drunk but I do get highly buzzed then go to bed and wake feeling like crap. Drank last night and am going to hangout with my sister out tonight. I get these weird anxious feelings when I sit in my house and don’t have things to do when I’m not drinking like now. Laying around all day trying to watch tv is difficult for me, but tomorrow is going to be a new day and attempt to stop this drinking again!!! I’m going to try really hard and take it one day at a time and go to meetings and stay busy. I don’t usually go out that often for some years now. That’s why I don’t know why I’m still drinking. I hate having this problem wish I gave this up years ago. I stopped for 8 months 4 years ago, but had a girlfriend who I was trying to help with her addiction and it was easy cause I had someone there. She relapsed twice, I kicked her out and a month later I started drinking again

You said it best 'wish I gave this up years ago'. If you start tomorrow, 3 months from now you won't have to say 'I should have done this 3 months ago' etc...

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Also, just as a thought...I have always had my own 'excuses' for drinking. I'm bored. I'm sad, It's raining out. I'm lonely. But then I realized my excuses also included...I have a lot to do. I'm happy. It's sunny out. I have people all around me. The list goes on and in, you know what I mean?

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