It’s important that I love myself and learn how to

It’s important that I love myself and learn how to be in the presence, how do you deal with self love?

I just found this book called "I am enough" , I started reading much of it yet, but it's supposed to be really great and has rave reviews. Maybe you should check into it. The author is Marisa Peer.

Correction- I haven't started reading much of it yet.

Cool, I have to much going on right now with my program. I will put it on my reading list. Are you in recovery?

Yes, I am.

What is your trouble? Mine is Meth and everything else that alters my mind

I've dabbled in drugs, but my biggest culprit was alcohol.

Are you in a treatment program?

I found using positive affirmations every day and when I start getting stressed :upside_down_face:help me

I've been there. I can honestly say with each day that passes sober I begin to love myself more and more. As you stay sober and your mind and body get caught up on rest you begin to see your worth. You have a purpose bro. Kind of a unique way to prove that is anywhere between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells are released in a single ejaculation. (We are adults here right?) yet you're the one who made it. We are not here by chance. There is a plan and a purpose for your life. Your greatest pain is your greatest asset. There are a lot of lives you could either save or steer in the right direction with your life story. They say you want to increase your esteem do esteemable acts. Doing kind things for others is a simple practice that makes you feel good about others and life in general. It helps you get into a more positive line of thinking, ie; loving yourself, having more compassion. Of course it comes over time something like this rarely if ever happens over night. Take care brother you've already started off right by getting sober and connecting to this community