It’s CRAZY!!! How not meditating, or running behind on my meditation changes the outcome of my morning. I feel like the fact that I didn’t have time to mediate this morning, well… not until 1pm. And before I meditated, my day had some negatives. I finally meditated and realized meditation Is for my personal peace of mind. In which my personal peace of mind determines how I handle negative situations. 


Hey Maggie! I’ve noticed this as well. When I get sloppy at this in a few days I’m spinning out of control and back to old thinking!

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Same here. My anger and fear becomes increased.

Yes!!!! For sure!! I was so angry and if I think about it it was festering for few days then I just blamed everything on my husband and bam before you know it I’m drunk on a binge. But it’s his fault not mine I tell myself - well that’s what I’d rather believe. So once again picking myself up and starting again. I wish I could upload this picture: it’s basically a statement of Indian guy saying we have two wolves :wolf: in us fighting each other. One is evil- anger, jealousy etc and the other is good- joy happiness etc. The boy asks the chief well which one wins- his reply: the one you feed!! I thought that was pretty cool

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I absolutely love that! And yea, I blame my relapses on everyone and everything but me. But today I have to maintain my accountability, maintain my peace of mind and make sure I pray and meditate. Recovery isn’t perfect, it’s what choose to do in the end!

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Well let’s both keep it up! We got this and we are strong woman let us feed that good wolf soul for peace, joy and happiness! Im rooting for you!

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As I am rooting for you! Keep on coming back. I attend my daily meetings, pray daily, meditate daily, service work daily and I’m still in iop! I love every second of it!

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I workout for my meditation

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Spiritual awakening

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