It’s been such a hard day.. struggling not to go

It’s been such a hard day.. struggling not to go get help from my so called friend Vodka... any words of encouragement would be great.. TIA

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Hey there, maybe find a new friend? :blush: one of the new friends I made in early recovery was ice cream. Ate a bowl every night for the first year of my recovery. It seem to make a bad day better and a good day great! And not nearly as the toxic love affair I had with drugs and alcohol. :grin:


That demon is not your friend, no matter what your inner voice is telling you! Feel the feelings. Tell the voice to eff off. Make a "healthier" friend. This isn't easy, but so worth it!

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Blow off some steam. Take a walk . Find anything else to clear your head bro. You'd be fucking hating that head of yours in the morning lol

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I just downloaded this app five minutes ago and only have 7 days sober so I don’t have any answers just yet except that keep reaching out and sharing what your going through every minute of the day if that’s what it takes. Vodka is my go to for quick instant relief so I can relate. Your post actually helped ease the anxiety and restlessness I had the instant I read it thank you and I hope that helped even just a little. Please don’t give up even if it’s just for tonight. We all care about you and are in your corner whenever you need

Hey Sharon, you can do this. Just remind yourself where that help really takes you. Get to a meeting if you can

Meeting do help. Sharing those feelings with other will get you the answers you need to hear, you’ll see very quickly that you are not a lone.

Just sharing what you did and asking for encouragement is a win. Well done!