It’s been 1,027 days since my last drink

It’s been 1,027 days since my last drink. It is still a lonely world because everyone in CA feels the need to medicate with something that kills. What’s helped me? Just by cutting out the booze, I lost 38 pounds, I take my anger and depression out on weights, and I’m in the best shape of my life at 40. When you see the improvements in your life, it’s a better feeling than any drunk or high night good give you. I’m not saying all the negative emotions go away but they’re easier to manage. Instead of running from problems, you face them head on. I hope everyone here can find the same satisfaction and be truly happy again. Have a great weekend everyone. :heart:


Congrats on 1027. Only 69 days from 3 years.

I'm glad to hear that your health is improving.

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Thank you Amanda! Life changing :call_me_hand: