It’s 5 o’clock somewhere

I’m just having one of those moments where I feel I’m missing out on something to not have a drink this evening. They come everyday and I know it gets better over time…. im just having one of those weak thought moments.


Always here to support your sobriety! :grin:

feel free to reach out anytime! :+1:

It will get better so they say. The positive for you is that you know they will come and approximately when and how long…shoot

You can gear up for it. There is always craves that come from nowhere of course and these are hard, but knowing how long they usually last can be helpful

Thanks guys!! I appreciate the support! I’m good now,..the feeling passed! :grin:. It always does.

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I am 20 years sober and you have to want it you have to want and love clarity having a strong and healthy straight mind remember the shit hangovers and the smell and shit next day use your mind next time you feel that way clean your room fix your car fix something fix anything just fix

Hi Angela, if you know what your triggers are for the cravings,try to avoid that until the burger pass. When I was quiting Cigarettes , my triggers were easy. The first cup of coffee would always make me want a smoke.

Identify it and change it. I know this is over simplified but you get it. You got this Angela.

If I can stop smoking and drinking at the same time I think it's all between your ears. You got this.

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Yeah it’s a definite struggle

I'm happy you didn't have that drink.


Thoughts come and go like leaves floating by on a river

Just reaching out i am age relateable so a long stretch drinking takes work

Hi Everyone and Angela glad you got through. I live in the most remote area and NH hard to get somewhere where there is support. I kept wondering if anything like this online exist. I'm so glad I found the site

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6 months looks good on you

Carl, there are 1000's of different AA meetings online!

I'm glad you got past it! 5 pm is always hardest for me too. It was the time I could rationalize it and I would drink while making dinner and eat hours later because I wasn't done drinking! Now I make dinner earlier, so I would have a full belly, and the cravings for alcohol pass easier for me then. Best wishes! You're doing great!