It might not be a lot however, today I hit

It might not be a lot however, today I hit my two month mark. It has been a very difficult road and I have had to adapt to a sober lifestyle after a life of bad habits but I am proud to say that God has Blessed me with a new light and a new path and this is my sobriety! :pray:t2: I will keep on succeeding​:heart:


Congrats on 2 months! Everyday is a milestone! Celebrate with caution! Keep up the good work. God is love.

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You go ahead and celebrate every minute if you want! Because for us every minute is a miracle!

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Hell yeah! Two months for me tomorrow! Agree, it doesn’t feel like a lot, but it’s the only way to get to those bigger numbers. Congrats!

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You can’t hit 2 years if you don’t celebrate 2 months!! Congratulations and keep up the good work

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Celebrate everything!

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Those baby steps add up. For an alcoholic, even one day sober is ALOT. Congrats !

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