It happened. the straw that broke the camels back. i

it happened. the straw that broke the camels back. i give up. i'm done. i give up. why am i so fucking hard to love. that is alll i want right now. someone to love me and take care of me. help me get through this. Igive up. i'm jst gonna lay here until someone physically moves me

Me too...

Sorry u get out of it what u put into it so help yourself get some help can’t do it for you

Hi Kristina. You are not hard to love. It sucks feeling alone. It's an experience that everybody goes through. Being alone has been one of my greatest teacher. One big lesson is I learned how to be a servant because I don't want anyone else to feel what I did. Sure, I can't stop it but I want to do my part in helping others.

Take this alone time to discover a strength you didn't know you had.


Kristina, I told you we can be that to each other. Everybody needs support, you and I are no different we can help support each other.

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You know whats great... i havent moved since i wrote this and not one person had called or stopped in to see whats going on. Lol. I didnt show up to work guess im not even missed. Oh well

Hey u ok? I sent u messages

Download the meeting guide - they have zoom meetings 24/7

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Love yourself! Nurture your physical yourself with a hug... and make something warm to eat & healthy & healing to true hunger (even if just a can of soup). Rest. Let your body sleep. When you wake up, know that any craving or reason to use, has passed. If you slept 4 hours-- that's 4 hours of sobriety. One step at a time= 1 hour at a time or maybe 1 minite at a time... Tell yourself, how much you miss your true self. And that you can do this. Surround your spiritual self with all the positive energy you can muster. Tell yourself that you're brave. Strong. Beautiful. Most important-- YOU ARE ENOUGH!! And you are WORTHY of sobriety.


Kristina. I am sorry no one called or stepped in. There are 7 individuals here who have reached out to you. That counts, too, and prove people care about you.

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Is today better than yesterday or do you still feel like quitting?

Today is a little bit better, still feel like quitting because I just never can get anywhere and its such a struggle. But I'm only crying every now and then instead of constant lol so that's better and I was proven wrong. Amanda you are right. People on this app have shown me they care. I have made two very good friends from this app. Both in new York one girl one guy and they know who they are and I love you both. Because of them I'm not crying as much

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I'm glad today is better. Keep focusing on the positive things and eventually those things that seem insurmountable won't seem so bad.

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