It feels like I'll have no one in my life

It feels like I'll have no one in my life because everyone around me wants to drink & have fun but I want to work on myself. This feels like too much isolation.

Try a meeting. There you will meet some really wonderful people.

Like an AA meeting?

One of the original members and co-creator (?) of AA was named Ebby.

Didn't know that. Neat. Maybe it's a sign to me.

I hope for you, a better fate than he met. He was a long time drinking Buddy of Bill’s. He got sober but didn’t maintain it.

Ohhhh. Well damn.

Go to a meeting... Meet all new people

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I had the same issues that made me go out again and again but once I decided I was doing it for me the isolation went away fairly quickly. If you live in lutz there some good meetings at a place called the old school group. Maybe I’ll see you there. Good luck and stay positive



It’s not bad to look into other ways people use to try to get Sober. Some. Some people don’t want to be thought of as an Alcoholic when they are one. Others begging going to Church and get real involved. These are all good as long as your adding them to a 12 Step program like
NA, CA and others. The Highest success rate is AA. Some of these high end places say your not an Alcoholic or addict but when you get ready to leave they suggest AA. Get a sponsor and a phone list and use it.
I wish you the best!!

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Sameee. I dont like the rigidity of the 12 step situation. Try pocket rehab app. They have super good legit meetings twice a day. And less bots and scanners than here.

And its free :wink:

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Yeah. I love going to meetings. What do you enjoy doing? Reading, coffee shops, traveling?

I just found a meeting that someone mentioned above & I may go to it to meet sober friends.

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I do love bookstores & things as well but Covid and my anxiety are both obstacles right now.

90 meetings in 90 days long before 90 days you'll have a new group of all alcoholic non drinking friends

I got the app. So far it looks great. I will do a meeting through it tomorrow.

Meetings are super chill. They've become closer friends than I'd like to admit after like 2 weeks lol. There's days where I'm like...fuckkkk I want a drink RIGHT NOW, but I can make it 23 min till this meeting. And you can leave whenever but they stay on for 2-3 hrs and check up on you for a 1-1 if youre the last one there. Lead guy (Damien) has the checkup on lock.

And its cool cause there's ppl from all over usa, South Africa, uk....with all diff kinds of drugs of choice. Theres opiates, alcohol, cigarettes, coke, you name it. And engaging topics every meeting that you can share or pass on. No judgements for sure.

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