Is there a real alternative to AA in the US?

Wow I can’t believe some of the comments I have read concerning AA and looking for other alternatives other then AA. I can see some of you are fanatics of AA like a religion and get upset when someone says that AA does nor work for them. Every one has a choice to work their recovery the way they want to. AA NA smart inpatient out patient only works if I want to change and start making better decisions on a daily basis and work daily on self and my desire to continue my recovery has to be greater then my desire to use. AA or NA does not keep me in recovery Angel keeps me in recovery.


Thanks for mentioning this! I'm going to look into it

LMAO...I needed a good laugh today, can't you see? Speaking from experience...I wouldn't be replying if it weren't for all the BS I put others through. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sob::grin:

Thought AA was stupid and would never work for me.. Went in to it with an open mind and had the willingness to go any lengths to achieve sobriety. Not religious at all but I’m spiritual. Things started to make sense once I began doing the work. Best of luck in whatever path you take! :pray:

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Is there and
Alternative to Oxygen, tgats healthy, hmmm can I eat candy for a living and feel good. Hmmm me I can't Drink alcohol to chase down coconut and wake up to the birds and sunshine, no I need AA and the people in those meetings to set me straight ,even then im distracted horribly by what I (Think) will feel good, hit the wall turn right...

Denial comes in many different forms !

Interesting perspective. The main issue I have is the “war stories” I understand that we are all different wand what is therapeutic for some is not for others. For me, I need a space for reflection and shared goals not rehashing of past atrocities I get no solace or growth from hearing those stories. That is not where i am or what I need. So any thoughts are greatly appreciated

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Are you taking someone’s inventory

I definitely agree. Unfortunately there is a lot of immaturity and a plethora of people that will be oriented to pessimism rather than optimism, sorrow rather than joy and pointing fingers rather than looking within. When I stopped doing those things I was amazed just as written in The Promises!

Can we stop telling people AA is the only way. If we try shoehorning everyone into what worked for us, there are going to be some that find the shoe too loose and others who find it too tight. The style of AA may not be the size they need. Remember that even the big book says the method is effect most of the time, not all. That means that if we want a 100% effective treatment it can't be one size fits all

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AA is not for everyone just as this group is not for everyone. I’ve been 11 months sober (my longest) without AA. I have a good support network and I believe you do have to have will power and believe in yourself to overcome this. It’s a daily challenge that will be around for the rest of your life. In my opinion AA focuses to much on the past and telling your story over and over again. It doesn’t focus on the present. The amount of gossip is unbelievable to the point of it being disgusting. So much for anonymous too. You’re suppose to be there to help someone else, how can you do that when you gossip?

It’s a spiritual not religious program.

Yeah except they all revolve around the same basic premise; change.

When someone rejects aa why are they rejecting it?

As well, you’re also ignoring the clear reality that rejection of aa is not an act of self love, it’s rejection of change and/or resistance to it.

And that logical mechanism, which stops us from touching a hot stove, is broken. Calling a rejection of any recovery program(in this case aa) an act of self love is relatively comical.

That's great to know!

Women for sobriety

I agree with your point of view on AA. Not everything works for everyone. I dislike the fact that if a person dislikes or disagrees with AA, then they're rejecting sobriety. Such nonsense!
AA doesn't work for me..Why? Because AA refuses to address the underlying issues.

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Stop being so self righteous and actually read what was written

And lol@aa doesn’t address underlying issues. You’re pretty much hitting the nail on the head for me.

SMART recovery. Check out The Phoenix

John I so agree. Back in 1991 when I first got sober. I objected to everything then too. AA requires you to do some soul searching and to admit that you're powerless and that you need help. Sometimes that's hard for some people. I just know what worked for me. I didn't have to accept it right away but I certainly did after some time. So I'm with you. Thanks for reminding me. AA works and has worked for me for the last 30 years

NA is in person