Is smoking weed everyday rhe same as drinking everyday? Its

Is smoking weed everyday the same as drinking everyday? Its been a discussion in my family for the past few months

Im just asking because the majority ppl in my family smoke like almost everyday and its just annoying

For me, it closed me up emotionally and made me want to numb out in response to life’s problems. And I know I can’t smoke it because it would make me want to drink to take the edge off if I get too stoned. I’m glad people aren’t getting locked up over it in more places but I’m wary about weed after being in recovery for my alcoholism. As for family, not a lot you can do there sis. Just be honest about your boundaries with yourself and family.

For me it is. My brain will start to crave it after a couple days use. Then you begin to use just as you would alcohol, to escape…to avoid and the cycle starts all over again.

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