Is it weird that I try to keep my sobriety

Is it weird that I try to keep my sobriety a secret :shushing_face::thinking:

Nope. People don't respect it. Though I understand where you're coming from, don't hide it.

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Be proud of how far you've come.

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You may not like this, but the reason I, and many of us, keep our sobriety a secret is because we don’t want other people to judge us when we fail.

Sharing your sobriety not only gives you support, but it also adds a level of accountability.


Actually people will respect you more for trying those that don’t are the ones with there own problems


Good point. Thx.

You should do whatever works for you. There is not one right way. If keeping your sobriety a secret works for you than go for it!

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Totally agree about accountability!! Share with others that have the same problems and/ or loves you unconditionally. ( that’s hard to find. We constantly share our time sober in AA to help each other out of love.