Is it just me that struggles with overeating?

Is it just me that struggles with overeating? I don’t abuse drugs like Xanax and doxepin I use them as prescribed at night to sleep,.... my biggest concern is my sneak eating and I can’t stop myself I don’t know why I’m in such a self destructive cycle I have gained 100 lbs and I hate it but I don’t even know where to begon


Yes I go to meetings but I also need a social media platform support system besides my group

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I have an addictive personality everything to an extreme if it's no drinking it's eating or shopping or loose 40 pound in 2 mouth ..balance is so hard


It’s not just you. I developed some pretty reprehensible eating habits during the pandemic. Which I spent alone. Most every day I asked myself “why am I still eating?”. Have you heard of SMART recovery? It’s an organization that is about helping with all kinds of unwanted behavior. There are plenty of tools that actually help with cravings and avoidance. You can find all the details from the webpage.


Yes I used to when I was thinner to maintain but right now getting started is hard with all the extra weight on my joints

Your not alone. Routinely I wake up between 12-2am and pound some snacks and then go back to sleep. Not sure why. I realize it’s so unhealthy but its my sad routine.

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It really is so difficult to manage. shopping too I’ve gotten myself into such bad debt which adds to my depression

I’m going to look into it today

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It’s like I can’t sleep before I eat junk it’s like comforting to me

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I copy and pasted your answer to reread over and over lol youre so helpful It’s actually very similar to what I used to do before I got out of control

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Yes! I can’t sleep without the junk food before either. It’s like my body craves that sugar crash. The crap that I eat is so unhealthy but I can’t stop. It’s my only comfort now that I’m not drinking.


Intermittent dieting... it was part of how I prepped to quit. Put snacks out of site. Also drink lots of water.

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Ugh same. I’m so glad to know I’m not alone. I was binge drinking and eating for a long time and now I finally quit drinking but the sugar intake DOUBLED. ughhhhhh

Hmmm I’ve been thinking about this... I have to learn the proper way to do it. I also want to get the gastric sleeve but I’m afraid if I don’t change my habits for good then it’s like a waste of time ya know??? Ughhhhhh soo frustrated

have you tried intermittent fasting ? hidden gem in my opinion. also I was on xanax for 6 yrs and the munchies I had on that shit was ridiculous.

Certain foods can actually cause a release of endorphins just like drugs. Most of us eat because we're bored not because we're hungry. Sounds like you need to get active. Maybe you should join a gym. Fitness can be addicting too. And it's far healthier for you then overeating.

Hello! Your message sounds like from a very nice and positive place! However like other addictions, its not always easy like this

Yes. And Xanax was like recipe for overeating!

Over eaters in Florida

7 months sober and I’m struggling with the overeating also- mostly binge eating. It is comforting to me. Even though I’ve lost weight, I still binge. I’ve looked into SMART recovery before for drinking but not the eating. I’m going to look at that again.