Is excessive drinking , alcoholism?

is excessive drinking , alcoholism?

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Uggg.... Well from experience, I can say that not being able to control your drinking is an issue and why I had to stop. One drink turns into two then three then a bottle. I say I'm not in recovery but I wonder if I am bc I have the same triggers and have to keep a strong mindset and definitely have lost an important person and blackout and just really was a mess at times. I gradually quit.... Took me 10 months and some tough times to finally walk away. Hoping you find your way!!!!


The one common thread amongst people with alcohol dependency issues that begin to really cause significant damage in their lives is the inability or high probability of unlikelihood to stop once you've started. If this isn't something you struggle I would say just cut down on the frequency. That being said total abstinence is never an unhealthy or unrewarding option. It is really something that you have to come to terms with and make a decision on. Hope that helps.

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Excessive drinking turned into alcoholism for me. I was just “going to have a few on Friday night” since I didn’t have to get up for work on Saturday. Then the next thing I know I’m buying more so that when I woke up/came to Saturday morning I could drink more. I finally just had to quit altogether, otherwise, eventually, I would have been drinking all day Saturday, and probably beyond.

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The compulsion ( can’t stop when you start) that’s the difference between an alcoholic and a social drinker

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If you can’t stop once you start, that is alcoholism

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10000%% love this dawn

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Yes, and no. While some who are not alcoholics can occasionally binge, the act of doing so in itself may be unhealthy and unsafe but not necessarily the method of an addict. It is however often a telling symptom of worse to come. Not all addicts binge. When you find yourself thinking about your next drink and it consumes much of your thoughts, that is when binge has become addiction. The worst part of binging is once can be fatal.

Excessive sounds like more than u should and u r self aware so that’s a positive. Too much of anything makes u an addict. There is a fine line between drinking and handling your bizzznesss or letting it start ruining shit in ur life. It’s good that u r aware of

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I can empathize with you Nuno. It is alcohol or food,etc. I have to monitor myself sometimes.

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Alcoholism it as absolutely nothing to do with Alcohol...if u a real Alcoholic you understand what that mean.. I don't know what excessive means once I start I can't stop I loose the power of choice