Is anyone having more encounters of "normies" treating them like less of a person because of our sobriety?
Oh no your right, I just noticed it more latly because I decided to dip my toe back into the dating pool. Lol
I have a friend that drinks and does a lot of weed. Now that I am sober and going to aa I am treated special
For me no. My reason is simple OQP
Only quality people are who I want in my life. I love all humans. However if they are negative then I will love them from a far.
Now a short short story, when I was deep in my addiction, I would ride my bike by an AA meeting. At that time in my life I had no idea what AA even was. I do remember calling them, the ones that were outside smoking, losers in my head as I would ride by. Then I would tell my then wife about them. Those people just standing around smoking. What idiots. Flash forward, I’m now one of those people. I don’t smoke but I’m every bit just like them. It’s awesome to say that my higher power has been giving me hints to get my ass to the rooms. Just like Asmo said, it’s always going to be that way until each and every normie educates themselves about alcoholism.
Remember you’re not less of a person cause you are allergic to alcohol. Cause if it were true then everyone with an allergy would fall into that same category.
Letting go of the ones who hurt us and become friends with the ones that love us unconditionally.
I truly don't believe anyone is normal. Just judgemental and have less obvious issues
I'm proud of my sobriety. If people have a problem with it, then I move on and don't waste my time further. If someone is going to judge me for bettering my life, I think their issues run just as deep as mine.
Absolutely. Very well said.
Actually I've never had any one treat me as "less than". When out, I order a Coke or whatever and no one questions me or says anything negative. Not all of my friends know I'm an alcoholic, but they all accept my choice of drink.
Yes Mark, Same. There's a stigma attached to us. Like, I don't wanna date this girl she's too damaged. When in reality I'm the one trying to better myself. It should be celebrated not looked down upon.