Is anyone else in dual recovery? Recovering alcoholic. Was sober

Is anyone else in dual recovery? Recovering alcoholic. Was sober 15 months and started realizing I had a lot of other issues. Relapsed and now I’m back to 49 days. Was Mia diagnosed with depression and anxiety for 12 years and now diagnosed bi-polar 1 and PTSD. Looking to connect!


Alcoholism, marijuana dependency and drugs. Not to mention mental health.

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I am a meth addict release 2 days before my 4 years. I'm also bipolar and my wife struggling with mental illness and I turned to the one thing that would numb me


Hi Tara,

I was recently in a dual diagnosis in patient unit for alcoholism, bi-polar and ptsd. I am now 104 days sober. I am able to discuss these issues from my perspective if you ever want to chat.

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Hey there. We are all here with ya. My last drink was about 2.5yrs ago and since then I've been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and chronic pain, lol. So basically life…haha. Never knew that there was so much more feelings and internal miswirings that were inside me that affected my conscience decisions. I though it was just how I was…..broken.


Hey Tara. Dual diagnoses here too. Not something many reveal. I always thought one was separate from the other but I've come to learn that they're inextricably linked. Depression/ptsd and alcohol, a dangerous combination, and while I'm 6 months sober, I know the process will be ongoing and something that needs to be worked.

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Dual? Try octouple! ( I just made that word up btw)

I have bipolar 1 and ptsd. I've been stable for over six years. Happy to meet you. Hmu anytime! We are diagnosis twins.


Alcoholism / addiction and bipolar type 2 rapid cycling disorder. sober 30 years. Reach out anytime

Mental health and substance abuse Recovery for me. ive been diagnosed with several mental health issues over the years but weve finally landed on ADHD, which has been the root of the majority of my issues for the past 15 years. It’s a struggle to balance treating both but with the right help it’s possible.

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I struggle with anxiety and depression myself. Have not had a drink in over six years. At around year five I started smoking weed. So. I had to start my sobridtycount over. Now, I gave six months.

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I believe every human being has multiple issues, being so young in sobriety, I would seek guidance from those who sincerely have your recoveries best interest in their hearts!

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Yep I'm also diagnosed with bi-polar/depression. That's why I think I used so much, I was self medicating

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I am dual diagnosis, many of us have experience with that! We can help!

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From booze to prozac. Still haven't figured it out.

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Yes. Multi-tasker here too. I can phuq up in a myriads of ways with multiple mental malady. 128 days clean today…


Any of you here the term "self medicates"..thats me to a tee! So wen ive tried to get help and asked "watz my poison" i kinda just hafta say "all and or any" im still struggling bcuz altho not physically addicted i still find myself wanting to"feel better"

I don’t have a diagnosis but anxiety is part of my life.

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I was a self-medicator too