“ INTERVENTIONS” If I asked you to think about a teacher

If I asked you to think about a teacher who took the time to encourage you who would that be? What is there name that you still remember to this day? Danial is fortune enough to have Miyagi to help him see his potential. I was fortune enough to have my own mister miyagi in my life his name was Eddie Lopez. He taught me discipline, honor, respect and patience. These people will continue to come in and out of our lives. They are like guides of light that are helping us to reach our potential. “Surrender” is not giving up! It’s opening up to someone or something that has your best interest!

This is awesome!

I grew up without an active male figure in my life. My mom is my hero. She has always been my master Miyagi. As I grew up into a young man three men helped shaped my life. Richard Smith(teacher), Lee McCracken(mechanic), and Rob Johnson(Current boss, lol).

The thing is, I don't think I have told any one of them that...

Beautiful post. I think I have had a handful of mentors/teachers throughout my life.

Some were more formal than others. What I mean is, my spiritual teacher/guru is Swamini Shraddhananda Saraswati and her late husband, Ed RamaChandra. However, other people taught me lessons without ever meaning to. Such as my absent father, my failed past loves, and long lost friends.

Read the book Wild at Heart John Eldredge good insights into fatherlessness

Mr. Hughes. A few years before I had him as a teacher I suffered a brain injury. One that doctors were surprised I even survive.

As a result my teachers since then thought I was lazy though they were aware I had an injury. I was punished (wasn't allowed to go to recess) and yelled at because I didn't finish my homework on time. Part of my injury took away my verbal skills so I couldn't tell the teacher I needed help. I didn't know how. I spent the next few school years believing I was stupid.

Mr. Hughes recognized my strengths and weaknesses early. The only class that stopped me from being on the honor roll was reading.

On my 5th grade graduation my name was called as an honor roll student. I was shocked and convinced that Mr. Hughes boosted my grade from a C to a B so I could be on the honor roll. He told me that he didn't and showed me my final exam.

If it weren't for Mr. Hughes I would probably feel I was stupid.

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