In the work I'm doing with my sponsor and my

In the work I'm doing with my sponsor and my counselor I'm reminded that some of the things iv done I'm my past are things some people will not forgive me for and I must except that choice to not be forgiven and move on trying to be a better person than I was in the past . If my actions and choices continue to bring guilt and shame into my life it will be counter productive to the progress I'm making to be a better man . I'm working so hard to change for the better and become part of the cure not apart of the cancer that has destroyed so many relationships and friendships in my life and the lives of countless others that still suffer with addiction. I can only hope that i forgivable When the time comes that I can make my amends . If Somebody cannot forgive me and accept me for who I am what I've done, that choice will be entirely on them and I will accept any choice that anybody makes Without resentment and I will continue on leading a better life for myself. Being of service and available to help others who suffer from the same problems that I have suffered from.And in working a solid honest program doing a thorough inventory of my life and my choices I have made lists of the amends from the wrongs I've done and I've also made a list of all the good I've done in my life to hold on to the part of myself that wasn't always all bad to remind myself that I am a good person even in my worst times I tried to be as good to people as I possibly could be. I believe that if I only dwell on the bad things that I've done in my life I would have hope for the good person I could possibly become. When I go to bed tonight I pray for forgiveness and my willingness to forgive others. It is my hope that somebody reads this and it helps you in some way. Know that you are not alone no matter how lonely you feel at this moment there are many like you. Your life experiences and struggles whey heavy on you but it's good to remember that the person you were yesterday doesn't have to define you today. And tomorrow should not be a worry you hold onto. Tomorrow is a gift you get to open your eyes too when you wake up and be grateful for when that time comes. We all have the ability to achieve what we want most and in our life we must be willing to put the work in to attain whatever we set our minds too no matter what obstacle we must tackle to get it as long as we don't overwhelm ourselves with fear or doubt . Understand that everything that you have been through leading you to this moment could become the strength and courage you find within yourself to become the person you want to be. You are a uniquely qualified individual navigating your way out of darkness that will attract the attention of others that will follow you into a better life . Be kind to yourself and love always ..

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Very well said, I agree whole heartedly. Thanks for sharing, I have not yet started the amends step yet but that is how the mindset must be to navigate the way through it.

Thank you so much for sharing that. Its was just what I needed today. You helped me feel a little less alone.

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